GFG POTD - Remove all occurences of duplicates in a linked list


3 min read

Given a sorted linked list, delete all nodes that have duplicate numbers (all occurrences), leaving only numbers that appear once in the original list, and return the head of the modified linked list.


Input: Linked List = 23->28->28->35->49->49->53->53
Output: 23 35
Explanation: The duplicate numbers are 28, 49 and 53 which are removed from the list.
Input: Linked List = 11->11->11->11->75->75
Output: Empty list
Explanation: All the nodes in the linked list have duplicates. Hence the resultant list would be empty.

Expected Time Complexity: O(n)

Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)

1 ≤ size(list) ≤ 105


The Solution class contains the method removeAllDuplicates which takes the head of the linked list as input and returns the head of the modified list. In our solution:

A dummy node is created to handle edge cases (e.g., when the head node itself needs to be removed). dummy->next points to the original head of the list.

prev is a pointer to the last node that is not a duplicate. Initially, it points to the dummy node.

current is a pointer used to traverse the linked list. Initially, it points to the head of the list.

Node* dummy = new Node(0);
dummy->next = head;
Node* prev = dummy;
Node* current = head;
bool isDup = false;
    while(current->next && current->data == current->next->data){
        current = current->next;
        isDup = true;

        prev->next = current->next;
    }   else{
        prev = prev->next;
        current = current->next;
  • The outer while loop continues as long as current is not nullptr.

  • The inner while loop checks for duplicates. If current and current->next have the same data, it moves current to current->next and sets isDuplicate to true.

  • After the inner loop, if duplicates were found (isDuplicate is true), prev->next is updated to current->next, effectively skipping all nodes with the duplicated value.

  • If no duplicates were found, prev is moved to prev->next.

  • current is then moved to current->next to continue traversal.

  • After the traversal, the modified list starts from dummy->next.

  • The dummy node is deleted to free memory.

  • The method returns dummy->next, which is the head of the modified list.

Node* result = dummy->next;
delete dummy;
return result;

Below is the entire code:

class Solution {
    Node* removeAllDuplicates(struct Node* head) {
        Node* dummy = new Node(0);
        dummy->next = head;
        Node* prev = dummy;
        Node* current = head;

            bool isDup = false;

            while(current->next && current->data == current->next->data){
                current = current->next;
                isDup = true;

            prev->next = current->next;
            }   else{
                prev = prev->next;

             current = current->next;

        Node* result = dummy->next;
        delete dummy;
        return result;


Thank you ! Keep Learning :)